Products (121)

Some products are quite simple, some are rather old and lack some programming experience, some of them are not as finished as they could be and with some I'm pretty satisfied in their current state. But all of them were at least either fun to write for learning or playing around or really, really useful to me and others. I hope you might benefit from them, too.

They come in two flavours: One consists of multiple files, wrapped into a single package. The other is a single-file, plain text release whose content is displayed as part of the page content, but also available for download (to avoid copy/paste errors).

  1. Einwurf
  2. SMFNotify
  3. OrgaTalk Discord Orga Teams
  4. Scanner Soundboard
  5. Weitersager
  6. syslog2IRC
  7. syslogmp
  8. Chat Relater
  9. El Cuestionario
  10. DBB Ranking Parser
  11. Wallpaper Randomizer
  12. Create PLS playlists
  13. Find IP address for MAC address
  14. Randomly select and set a wallpaper
  15. gallerize
  16. BYCEPS
  17. Instruct an AVM FRITZ!Box via UPnP to reconnect
  18. Mnemonic Password Generator
  19. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
  20. Generate a tag cloud
  21. Extract title and metadata from a reStructuredText document
  22. (Bullshit) Bingo Card Generator
  23. List directory contents as HTML
  24. Disc Flipper (Scala)
  25. Unix Rights Helper
  26. Number Converter
  27. Simple SQL shell for Tomcat resources
  28. Key/value ORM storage
  29. Create, update and remove wmii bar boxes.
  30. A simple hook system
  31. Switch between wmii tags
  32. Find missing numbers in a range derived from file names
  33. Instant File Provider
  34. HLSW Master Query
  35. Apache Auth Group Manager
  36. Base64 File Converter
  37. ID3v1 Reader
  38. Binary Clock
  39. Scroll a text on the console
  40. custom Irssi theme
  41. Count hits to matching URLs in Apache access logs
  42. A Conky configuration suited as lower screen bar
  43. Find the biggest files
  44. Find files with UTF-8 BOM (Byte Order Mark)
  45. Entitled URLs with Werkzeug
  46. File Catalog
  47. Output a table with ANSI terminal font colors and styles
  48. Redirect HTTP requests to the 'www' subdomain
  49. Show one-time ("flash") messages to users in web applications
  50. Dupe Detective - Find duplicate files
  51. Arena Lurker - Tray notification of local Quake 3 Arena servers
  52. Disc Flipper
  53. Generate all possible word permutations
  54. ICMP Knock Server
  55. Turn XML into XHTML via XSLT
  56. GTK bookmarks as pipe menu for Openbox
  57. Pastel Stripes Wallpaper
  58. (Un-)Stretch an image to all four sides
  59. Caching wrapper for callables accepting a filename
  60. Upraise
  61. Fake FTP Server
  62. Add PEP 8-compatible attribute aliases to an object
  63. Extract Jabber contacts from an xdb file
  64. Use native PHP templating
  65. Start/stop a daemon process
  66. Summarize adjacent values with the same algebraic sign
  67. Summation of hours for time reports
  68. Leechr - a (not yet) multi-thread mass downloader (using FTP, so far)
  69. glob() recursively in directories
  70. Extend Markdown to support wiki links
  71. Modify qTip so it supports more than one tag type
  72. Retrieve status information from a SHOUTcast server
  73. Determine image type using magic numbers
  74. Remove namespace in an XML document (using ElementTree)
  75. Decorator with optional argument to set a template
  76. Create date/datetime objects from strings
  77. Migrate SimpleTAL templates to Kid/Genshi
  78. Generate fake email addresses for spam harvesters
  79. Tabularize a list (e.g. for a website)
  80. Markup URLs and shorten their label if necessary
  81. Return preferred mime type for serving XHTML
  82. Poor man's gallery/download area/whatever
  83. Address Book
  84. Recognize recovered but uniformly named files
  85. Basecamp Wrapper
  86. On Tour
  87. Sort files in a version control repository by date
  88. aquatube Gauge
  89. Tab Switcher
  90. Log Googlebot visits
  91. Album Track List Generator
  92. Placemark Directory
  93. (Un)Roast a password sent via AIM/ICQ
  94. Database Abstraction Layer
  95. XML Parser
  96. HackTheNet Credit Juggler
  97. HackTheNet Hijack Servant
  98. Page Includer
  99. Nicely indent XML read from STDIN or a file
  100. Line Counter
  101. Basic Form Mailer
  102. Send a random (avatar) image
  103. Administer an Eggdrop bot
  104. Sort music files into artist directories
  105. Write IRC stats to file (e.g. to show on a website)
  106. IRC guest list allowing users to invite themselves
  107. Generate mnemonic passwords
  108. Crack Vigenere-ciphered text
  109. Announce news from a website on IRC
  110. Add, search and randomly display quotes
  111. Show the entry count from the Mitfahrzentrale
  112. Mucacha
  113. EuroCalc
  114. Local Host Info
  115. Simple Config Parser
  116. Add some psyBNC commands to mIRC menus
  117. files
  118. mod.ftpdb
  119. mod.guests
  120. Add some Quakenet services commands to mIRC menus
  121. Display a progress bar on the console