Add some Quakenet services commands to mIRC menus


Screenshot of the extended popup menus in mIRC.

; quakenet.mrc -- Version 14-Apr-2003
; Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Y0Gi
; Adds often used Quakenet commands to the
; channel, nicklist, and query popup menus.
; Install   with:   /load -rs quakenet.mrc
; Uninstall with: /unload -rs quakenet.mrc

menu channel {
  ..Enter auth data:/q_auth_set
  ..Clear auth data:/q_auth_unset
  .User modes
  ..Mask host:/mode $me +x
  ..Anonymous messages
  ...Ignore:/mode $me +R
  ...Unignore:/mode $me -R
  .Channel modes
  ..Unregistered users
  ...Exclude:/mode # +r
  ...Include:/mode # -r
  ..Quit/part messages
  ...Hide:/mode # +u
  ...Unhide:/mode # -u
  .Request Op
  ..from O:/msg O REQUESTOP #
  ..from Q:/msg Q OP #
  ..from L:/msg L OP #
  .The Q Bot
  ..Channel Level:/msg Q CHANLEV #
  ..Channel Flags:/msg Q CHANFLAGS #
  ..Command List:/msg Q SHOWCOMMANDS
  .The L Bot
  ..Channel Level:/msg L CHANLEV #
  ..Command List:/msg L SHOWCOMMANDS

menu nicklist,query {
  .The Q Bot
  ...+ao:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 +ao
  ...+o:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 +o
  ...-ao:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 -ao
  ...-o:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 -o
  ...+av:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 +av
  ...+v:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 +v
  ...-av:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 -av
  ...-v:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 -v
  ...+t:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 +t
  ...-t:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 -t
  ...+b:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 +b
  ...-b:/msg Q CHANLEV # $$1 -b
  .The L Bot
  ...+ao:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 +ao
  ...+o:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 +o
  ...-ao:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 -ao
  ...-o:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 -o
  ...+av:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 +av
  ...+gv:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 +gv
  ...+v:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 +v
  ...-av:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 -av
  ...-gv:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 -gv
  ...-v:/msg L CHANLEV # $$1 -v
  .Q Whois:/msg Q WHOIS $$1
  .L Whois:/msg L WHOIS $$1

alias q_auth {
  if ((%q_user == $null) || (%q_pass == $null)) {
    echo 4 -ae Q username and/or password not set!
  else {
    .msg auth %q_user %q_pass

alias q_auth_set {
  set %q_user $?="Enter your QuakeNet username:"
  set %q_pass $?="Enter your QuakeNet password:"

alias q_auth_unset {
  unset %q_user
  unset %q_pass
  echo 4 -ae Q username and password cleared.