# Skim through Apache access log files and count the number of hits to URLs
# matching a given pattern.
# Copyright (c) 2008 Jochen Kupperschmidt <http://homework.nwsnet.de/>
# Version: 07-Aug-2008
# Released under the terms of the MIT License.
require 'zlib'
# Adjust this.
regex = /GET (\/media\/videos\/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/
# TODO: Might be nice to be able to pass this expression as command line
# argument.
class HitCounter
def initialize(regex)
@regex = regex
# Create a hash with a default value of zero.
@hits = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = 0 }
def parse_file(fname)
# Read a file, line by line. If the file name ends on '.gz', treat it as
# gzip-compressed and decompress it. Count the occurences of each matched
# URL separately.
puts "Parsing #{fname} ..."
f = (fname =~ /\.gz$/ ? Zlib::GzipReader : File).open(fname)
f.each_line { |line| @hits[$+] += 1 if line =~ @regex }
def show_results
# Display the results of matching URLs and how often they were accessed.
puts "\nResults:"
@hits.each { |details| puts "%s %8d hits" % details }
def self.batch(regex, fnames)
# A shortcut class method to parse multiple files and display the result.
fnames = Dir['access.log*'] if ARGV.empty?
(STDERR.puts "No files given."; exit 2) if fnames.empty?
puts "Going to analyze #{fnames.length} files ..."
instance = self.new(regex)
fnames.each { |fname| instance.parse_file(fname) }
rescue Interrupt
puts "\nAborted."
HitCounter::batch(regex, ARGV)