Number Converter



Convert numbers between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal.

 * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2009 Jochen Kupperschmidt
 * Released under the terms of the MIT License
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 * Convert numbers between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal.
 * This is a Groovy remake (24-Dec-2009) of the original Java application
 * (12-Jan-2003) and requires significantly less code.

import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import java.awt.GridLayout
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup
import javax.swing.JFrame
import javax.swing.JPanel
import javax.swing.JRadioButton
import javax.swing.JTextField
import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument
import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException
import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument

enum NumberSystem {

  BINARY(2, '01', { Integer.toBinaryString(it) }),
  OCTAL(8, '01234567', { Integer.toOctalString(it) }),
  DECIMAL(10, '0123456789', { Integer.toString(it) }),
  HEXADECIMAL(16, '0123456789abcdefABCDEF',
      { Integer.toHexString(it).toUpperCase() })

  final int base
  final Set<String> validCharacters
  final Closure toStringValue

  NumberSystem(int base, String validCharacters, Closure toStringValue) {
    this.base = base
    this.validCharacters = new HashSet<String>(validCharacters.collect { it })
    this.toStringValue = toStringValue

class NumberDocument extends PlainDocument {

  private Set<String> validCharacters
  private Closure actionHandler

  def NumberDocument(Set<String> validCharacters, Closure actionHandler) {
    this.validCharacters = validCharacters
    this.actionHandler = actionHandler

  // Fire action on text insertion.
  public void insertUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent event,
      AttributeSet attrSet) {

  // Fire action on text removal.
  public void postRemoveUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent event) {

  // Validate the entered characters.
  public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet attrSet)
      throws BadLocationException {
        str.findAll { validCharacters.contains(it) }.join(''), attrSet)

 * A panel containing a labeled radio button and a special text field.
class NumberPanel extends JPanel {

  NumberSystem system
  JRadioButton radioButton
  JTextField field

  def NumberPanel(NumberSystem system, boolean selected) {
    this.system = system
    layout = new GridLayout(0, 2)

    // Create a radio button.
    radioButton = new JRadioButton(selected: selected,
        text:[0] +[1..-1].toLowerCase() + ':')

    // Create a text field that only accepts specified characters.
    field = new JTextField(document: new NumberDocument(system.validCharacters,
        { field.fireActionPerformed() }), enabled: selected,
        horizontalAlignment: JTextField.RIGHT)

  def void changeInputSystem() {
    field.enabled = radioButton.selected

  def void clear() {
    field.text = ''

  def boolean isEmpty() {

  def int getValue() throws NumberFormatException {
    Integer.valueOf(field.text.trim(), system.base)

  def void setValue(int value) {
    field.text = system.toStringValue(value)

class NumberPanelGroup {

  def panels = []
  ButtonGroup radioButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup()
  boolean locked = false

  def NumberPanelGroup(NumberSystem selectedSystem) {
    NumberSystem.values().each {system ->
      def numberPanel = new NumberPanel(system, system == selectedSystem)
      numberPanel.radioButton.actionPerformed = { panels*.changeInputSystem() }
      numberPanel.field.actionPerformed = {
        // Locking is needed since it would cause another
        // action event otherwise, resulting in a loop.
        if (locked) {
        locked = true
        try {
          if (!numberPanel.isEmpty()) {
            // Re-calculate values.
            panels*.value = numberPanel.value
          } else {
            // Clear all fields.
        } finally {
          locked = false
      panels << numberPanel

// Program starts here.
def swing = new SwingBuilder()
swing.frame(defaultCloseOperation: JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE,
    locationRelativeTo: null, pack: true, resizable: false, show: true,
    title: 'Number Converter') {
  panel(border: compoundBorder(emptyBorder(4),
      compoundBorder(etchedBorder(), emptyBorder(2)))) {
    gridLayout(cols: 1, rows: 0)

    new NumberPanelGroup(NumberSystem.DECIMAL).panels.each { widget(it) }